The PADI Mermaid program consists of four student and three instructor level ratings – PADI Mermaid Student Levels
PADI Discover Mermaid Experience – no prerequisites
PADI Basic Mermaid Course – ability to swim at least 25m and float comfortably at the surface for at least 3 minutes
PADI Mermaid Course – ability to swim at least 50m and float comfortably on the surface for 5 minutes
PADI Advanced Mermaid Course – ability to swim at least 100m and float comfortably on the surface for at least 10 minutes
PADI Mermaid Professional Levels
Basic Mermaid Instructor – can teach Discover Mermaid experience and Basic Mermaid course
Mermaid Instructor – can teach Discover Mermaid experience, Basic Mermaid course, Mermaid course and Advanced Mermaid course
Mermaid Instructor Trainer – can teach Mermaid Instructor course and orientation
Currently the program is available in English and Simplified Chinese. With interest in state-of-the-art mermaid training is growing globally and as a result, jump on board today!